# Avrae Commands

Avrae is our virtual dice bot that we use to make all dice rolls on the server. This page lists the most commonly used Avrae commands along with a few examples.

For the complete list of the commands, visit here .

  • !help: sends you a full list of commands to PM.
  • !tutorial quickstart: starts a step-by-step guide.

  • Our partner server The Starry Shore have created The Ultimate Avrae Bot Tutorial , a short YouTube video to help with some basic Avrae commands.
  • Quickstart
  • Basic Rolls
  • Actions
  • Casting Spells
  • Custom Counters
  • Playing the Game
  • Combat with Avrae
  • Initiative Management
  • Content Lookup
  • Other Commands

# Quickstart

  • All Avrae commands start with !

# Character Management

  • !char list
    Shows the list of your characters. The list is tied to your discord account, therefore if you have characters outside of this server, they will be included in this list.

  • !char
    Shows the current active character.

  • !char <character name>
    Changes the active character.

  • !char delete <character name>
    Deletes named character from Avrae's database.

  • !sheet
    Shows the sheet of your current active character.

  • !vsheet
    Shows a more detailed sheet of your current active character, as well as the Character Sheet URL.

  • !update
    Updates the data from the original source of the sheet.

# Basic Rolls

  • !roll <dice> or !r <dice>
    Rolls one or more dice,
    e.g. !r d20 rolls one d20 dice, !r 4d6 rolls four d6 dice. For full list of supported operators and selectors, use !help roll.

  • !check <skill> or !c <skill>
    Rolls a skill check for your current active character,
    e.g. !c acrobatics

  • !save <ability> or !s <ability>
    Rolls a save for your current active character,
    e.g. !s dex

  • !action <action> or !a <action>
    Performs an action (attack or ability) for the current active character,
    e.g. !a "unarmed strike"

# Actions

  • !action list or !a list
    Lists the actions that are available to your current active character.

  • !action <action> or !a <action>
    Performs an action (attack or ability),
    e.g. !a "unarmed strike"
    • -t <name>: targets a creature
    • -phrase "<phrase>": adds flavor text
    • adv/dis: rolls with advantage/disadvantage
    • hit: automatic hit
    • miss: automatic miss
    • crit: automatically applies crit damage on hit

  • !help action
    Sends you a full list of options for action command.

# Casting Spells

  • !spellbook or !sb
    Shows your current active character's list of spells.

  • !cast <name of spell>
    Casts a spell,
    e.g. !cast "Hellish Rebuke"
    • -l <slot level>: casts spell at a higher level,
      e.g. !cast "Cure Wounds" -l 4
    • -t: targets a creature with the spell,
      e.g. !cast "Healing Word" -t "Adult Blue Dragon"
  • For targeting multiple creatures, make sure to put -t in front of each target,
    e.g. !cast "Magic Missile" -t "Bandit1" -t "Bandit2" -t "Bandit3"

  • !game spellslot <slot level> <number> or !g ss <slot level> <br><number> Modifies the leveled spell slots,
    e.g. !g ss 1 +1 to gain a level 1 spell slot.

# Custom Counters

  • !customcounter list or !cc list
    Shows a summary/list of all custom counters attached to your current active character.

  • !cc <name>
    Shows the custom counter with the name.

  • !cc <name> +/-<number>
    Modifies the custom counter of your current active character.

  • !cc reset <name>
    Resets the custom counter to its default value.

  • !cc create <name> [args]
    Creates a new custom counter. For the list of arguments, use !help cc create.

  • !cc delete <name>
    Deletes a custom counter.

# Playing the Game

  • !game status or !g status Shows your active character's current, maximum, and temporary hit points, as well as any counters associated with the character: spell slots, special abilities (Breath Weapon for Dragonborns, Wild Shape for Druids, etc.), and any other custom counters.

  • !game hp <amount> or !g hp <amount>
    Modifies the hit points of your current active character,
    e.g. !g hp -5
  • !g hp max: sets hp to max
  • !g hp set <number>: sets hp to the number
  • !g hp +/-<number>: adjusts the hp

  • !game thp <amount> or !g thp <amount>
    Sets the temporary hit points for your current active character,
    e.g. !g thp 5

  • !game deathsave or !g ds
  • !save death or !s death
    Rolls a death save.

  • !help game
    Sends you a full list of options for game command.

  • !lr (Improved from Avrae's default !game longrest)
    Performs a Long Rest and resets applicable counters.
  • !lr ?: shows the help text for this command.

  • !sr (Improved from Avrae's default !game shortrest)
    Performs a Short Rest and resets applicable counters.
  • !sr <number>: uses a number of hit dice, rolls them and adds the result to your HP.
  • !sr ?: shows the help text for this command

# Combat with Avrae

  • !init begin or !i begin
    Begins a combat initiatives in the channel. This command is either run by a DM or whoever is managing the initiatives in spar RPs.

  • !init join or !i join
    Rolls an initiative for your current active character.
    • -p <number>: places your character at a specific place on the initiative.

  • !init status <name> or !i status <name>
    Outputs the status of the combatant.

  • !init effect <combatant> <effect name>
    Adds an effect text to the combatant.

  • !init re <combatant> <effect name>
    Removes an effect from the combatant.

  • !init next or !i n
    Ends your turn and move to the next on the turn order.

  • !help init [subcommand]
    Sends you a full list of options for init command and its subcommands,
    e.g. !help init join

# Initiative Management

This section is for DMs or the person who is running the initiative in sparring RPs. For the full list of options for each command, use !help <command> [subcommand],
e.g. !help init effect.

  • !init begin or !i begin
    Begins a combat initiatives in the channel.

  • !init opt <combatant> [args]
    Edits the options of a combatant. For the full list of options, run !help init opt.
    • -h: hides HP, AC, resistance, etc.
    • -ac <number>: modifies the combatant's AC.
    • -group <group name>: adds the combatant to the group. Remove them from the group by using -group None

  • !init a or !init cast
    Makes an attack or casts a spell as the combatant of the turn.

  • !init aoo <combatant> <attack name> -t <target> [args]
    Makes an attack of opportunity as the combatant.

  • !init reactcast <combatant> <spell name> [args]
    Casts a spell as the combatant off-turn.

  • !init status <combatant/group> [args]
    Outputs the HP and status of the combatant or the group.
    • private: Sends the status via private message instead.

  • !init hp <combatant> +/-<number>
    Modifies HP of the combatant.
    • !i hp <combatant> set <number>: sets the combatant's HP.
    • !i hp <combatant> max: sets the combatant's HP to max.

  • !init thp <combatant> <number>
    Sets the THP of the combatant.

  • !init effect <combatant> <effect name> [args]
    Attaches a status effect to the combatant.
    • -dur <duration>: specifies the duration of the effect. <duration> equals to number of rounds.

  • !init re <combatant> <effect name>
    Removes the status effect from the combatant.

  • !init remove <combatant/group>
    Removes the combatant or the group from the combat.

  • !init end
    Ends the combat in the channel.

# Content Lookup

You can lookup items, status effects, rules, etc. By default, Avrae only supports content from Basic Rules. For gaining access to paid material on D&D Beyond via content sharing links, follow the instructions in the [DDB Guide](ddb/

  • Connect your Discord account with D&D Beyond account. This can be done from "Account Settings" page in D&D Beyond. Confirm the connection by running:


# Available commands:

  • !class <name> [level]
  • !subclass <name>
  • !race <name>: works for both race and subrace.

  • !classfeat <name>
  • !racefeat <name>
  • !feat <name>

  • !background <name>
  • !spell <spell name>
  • !item <item name>

  • !rule <name>
  • !condition <name>

# Homebrew Lookup

  • !hb to see all lookup options

  • !hb class <name>
  • !hb subclass <subclass name>
  • !hb race <name>

  • !hb classfeat <name>
  • !hb feat <name>
  • !hb invocation <name>

  • !hb background <name>
  • !hb spelllist "<class name> ([spell level])",
    e.g. !hb <br>spelllist "Witch Doctor (2)"

# Other Commands

  • !portrait
    Shows the image of your current active character.

  • !portrait update <link>
    Sets a portrait for the character.

  • !desc
    Shows the description of your current active character.

  • !desc update "<text>"
    Sets a description for the character.

  • !csettings color <color>
    Changes the embed color of your current active character,
    e.g. !csettings color blue or !csettings color 0000FF (no "#" for the hex code)

  • !br
    Makes a scene break.

  • !servalias and !servsnippet
    Shows the list of available server alias and server snippets.

  • !alias and !snippet
    Shows the list of available personal alias. For more information on alias and snippet, use !help alias and !help snippet.

  • !rr <number of times> <dice type>
    Rolls number of times the same dice,
    e.g. !rr 5 d10

  • !rrr <number of times> <dice type> <DC>
    Rolls dice with DC,
    e.g. !rrr 5 d20 14