# Rebuilding & Retiring

# Rebuild Rules

  • Please fill in and submit the Rebuild Request Template. Make a copy of your character sheet, and apply the changes in your rebuild request to the copy.
  • All rebuilds must first be reviewed and approved for them to be valid. You will be pinged in #character-records-discussion .
  • You cannot sign up for any DM Events with a character with a pending rebuild request. You must also remove any pending signups before submitting the rebuild request. This also applies after you have been accepted into a game, and the rebuild will have to be made after the game is completed. You may however, continue to do DTDs and roleplay as your old character during this period.
  • You may submit up to 1 rebuild per month upon approval. This rule applies to the player, not per character.
  • You may only rebuild the characters that are Level 4 or below.
  • Cushion rule characters can be rebuilt up to 1+ claimed New PC Level. If your cushion ruled character started at Level 5, you may submit the rebuild request while this character is Level 5-6. When you submit the rebuild, you must include the link to the claim message in #claims-log .
  • Changes to race and background must be retconned; changes to class and subclass may be justified IC
  • As long as your rebuild request meets the above criteria, you may rebuild a character as many times as you wish.
  • Before your character participates in a DM event, they are considered to be in the Character Creation Phase, and you do not need to submit rebuilds in order to make changes. Please check Character Creation Rules for the full details including the rules and limitations.
  • A similar rule applies to when your character gains a level. If your character has gained a level and has not participated in a DM event, you may change any decisions you made during that particular level-up.

You may request to change as many parts as necessary. Following rules apply:

  • Character Name, Backstory, Personality, Identity
  • Race
  • Class, Subclass
  • Learned spells
  • Changing from Standard Array or Point Buy to another Ability Score Generation Method
  • Rearranging your Ability Scores
  • Choosing Different Starting Equipment
  • Background
  • Skill Proficiencies
  • Tool Proficiencies
  • Languages
  • Switching between ASIs and Feats
  • Changing from Rolling for Stats to another Ability Score Generation Method
  • Switching between Roll for Gold and Starting Equipment
  • Rerolling Stats, HP, or Gold
  • In case your character's identity changes, you may treat that specific change as a retire. Note that retired characters cannot be unretired, except through the Special Request patron reward. Rules for rebuilding all other parts apply as normal.

# Rebuild FAQ

No. Doing so requires just as much work from our staff members to review. You may submit the rebuild request again after 1 month, following the same procedure.

You keep the XP and RPXP.

If you wish to switch to another starting equipment, you may retcon the transaction.

You keep the roll, but add or subtract dice depending on the number of d4. Any purchase of the equipment with the rolled gold can be retconned.

Example 1) Rebuilding from Bard (5d4 x 10) to Druid (2d4 x 10): You keep the dice result from the first two d4s and remove the gold from the rest of d4s.

Example 2) Rebuilding from Sorcerer (3d4 x 10) to Paladin (5d4 x 10): Roll the additional 2d4 x 10 and add to the coin purse.

You keep the coins you have earned. If you chose background starting gold, adjust it accordingly, e.g. rebuilding from Noble (25gp) to Criminal (15gp) must subtract 10gp

You keep the rolled result if the Hit Dice between the classes are the same. Otherwise, reroll accordingly and add the links to the rolls in the request.

If you think the rebuilt character will be a completely different person, you can flavor it to say that the old character left Snowhaven (flavoring as retire), or never existed in the first place. The new character can have just arrived in town, or you can retroactively say that some or all of the events that happened to the old character actually happened to the new character, so long as it would make sense.

Please note, this is only for narrative purposes, and the same rules for the rebuild still apply.

If the rebuilt character has more or less the same identity but some details used in past RPs no longer make sense (mention of appearance, abilities, etc.), you may retcon the RP and communicate to your RP partners.

# Rebuild Request Template

Rebuild Request

**Character Name:** 
**Class(es)(if multiclass, specify levels of each class):** 
**Reason for Rebuild:** 

**Parts Changing (list accordingly):** 
Previous part -> New part

**Link to Old Sheet:** <link>
**Link to New Sheet:** <link>
**Types of Stats (Rolled/Point Buy/Standard):** 
**Link to Stat Roll if Rolled:** 

# Retire Rules

  • Please fill in and submit the Retire Request Template.
  • All retires must first be reviewed and approved for them to be valid. You will be pinged in #character-records-discussion .
  • Once the retire request is submitted, you cannot sign up for any DM Events with the character, do DTDs, or RP. Therefore, any goodbye RPs or farewell gifts should be taken care of before submitting the retire request.
  • You may submit up to 1 retire per month.
  • You may retire characters only if they are Level 4 or above.
  • Please note that retired characters cannot be unretired, except through the Special Request patron reward.
  • Please note that wills do not come into effect with retires.

⚠️ If the staff team comes across any evidence that you intentionally killed your character outside of retiring, your slot for that character will be locked for 1 month, and you may be given a DP. This includes but is not limited to suicidal behavior, intentionally exposing oneself into a dangerous situation such as wandering into Do Not Enter zones, or making unreasonably reckless decisions during DM Events.

# Retire Request Template

Retire Request

**Character Name:** 
**Level (make sure this is 4 or above):** 
**Class(es)(if multiclass, specify levels of each class):** 
**OOC Reason for Retire:** 
**IC Reason for Retire:** 
**Link to Stat Roll if rolled:** 
**Do you confirm that it has been at least 1 month since your last retire? (Yes/No):**