# Resources

# Abbreviations/Lingo

# DnD World Staff related

More info in #staff-roles

  • FG: FangirlCrazily, Server Owner
  • TMod: Trainee Moderator
  • NPCM: Non-Player Character (NPC) Master
  • SDM: Senior Dungeon Master
  • MDM: Mentor Dungeon Master
  • TDM: Trainee Dungeon Master
  • AM: Arena Master
  • LK: Lore Keeper

# Server Rule related

# Lifestyle & Downtime Days related

More info in Downtime and Lifestyle Rules

  • LS: Lifestyle
  • DTD: Downtime Days
  • PTW: Part-Time Work
  • HRW: High-Risk Work
  • IP: Infamy Points

# Common D&D Abbreviations/Lingo

  • DM: Dungeon Master
  • HP: Hit Point, your health
  • AC: Armor Class, which is the number required for an attack to hit a target
  • PP: Passive Perception, how likely you are to notice something you aren't actively looking for
  • ASI: Ability Score Increase, which can increase your stats beginning at Level 4
  • RAW: Rules As Written, official limitations of various rules, cf. House Rules
  • TPK: Total Party Kill, where the whole party dies, likely from a fatal combat

  • WotC: Wizards of the Coast, the official publishers of all official D&D content, sometimes called Wizards
  • PHB: Player's Handbook, core rulebook for the players
  • DMG: Dungeon Master's Guide, core rulebook for the DMs
  • MM: Monster Manual, core rulebook for the DMs when it comes to the monsters

  • House Rules: Rules that are made by and specific to each DMs
  • Feat: Different from racial features and class features, this is a special ability you can pick up instead of an ASI at Level 4 onwards
  • Lore: The history and information about the world setting

# Other Commonly-Used Abbreviations

# More D&D Content:

# YouTube Channels

Puffin Forest : A Player/DM who frequently uploads videos on wacky tales of his D&D adventures.

JoCat 's series: A Crap Guide to D&D, is a brief and fun summary of the various classes and how they use their abilities!

Critical Role 's Handbooker Helper explains the rules regarding several mechanics in D&D 5e.

Zee Bashew covers underrated spells and mechanics!

Dingo Doodles produces funny animated videos about her D&D adventures!

Runesmith 's Basically [ ] series is popular for covering D&D lore as well as character building material!

Davvy Chappy covers the latest D&D news as well as offers newbie friendly tutorials!

# Podcasts & Streams

Critical Role is arguably the most famous D&D stream out there, with hundreds of episodes across three major campaigns. It is often praised for immersive storytelling, complex storylines, and good world-building, especially by DM Matt Mercer.

The Adventure Zone is another podcast loosely based on D&D. The storyline is split into several arcs. Their episode duration is 90 minutes each compared to Critical Role's 3 hours+, so if you prefer something with a bit less time commitment, this one is for you!

Not Another D&D Podcast is brought to you by some of CollegeHumor cast members in their funny adventures that parody the conventional podcasts.

Dimension 20 is a comedic take on the setting of D&D campaigns by the cast of Dropout.

High Rollers is a popular Twitch stream, live every Sundays 5pm BST.

# Tutorials

If you need help with basic Avrae commands, check out The Ultimate Avrae Discord Bot Tutorial: Beginnerā€™s Guide , created by our partner server The Starry Shore!

# How to make offhand attacks on D&D Beyond

  • Add the weapon to the Inventory and equip it by clicking the box next to it.

  • Click the weapon --> Customize

  • Rename the weapon so that it's easier to tell, and check "Dual Wield" option.

  • Make sure it shows up under "Bonus Action".

  • In #bot-dump , run: !update

  • Then, double check that it appears in: !a list

Equip weapon

Click Customize

Rename the weapon, and check Dual Wield

It should appear under Bonus Action

# How to connect your D&D Beyond account to view features on Avrae

  • Once you receive it, open the campaign link and click "Create Character". Your character's name will default to <yourUsername>'s Character. You can leave this as-is if you aren't using DDB for your sheets.
  • If you are not using DDB sheets, then you are done! You will now have access DDB content on Avrae while your character stays in the campaign.

# How to add a note (for Gsheet character sheets)

A note in google sheet is the small tooltip that pops up when you hover over the cell. Gsheet character sheet has various instructions and information already in them, and you are encouraged to add yours whenever necessary.

Class Overview

To add a note, right click on a cell, and select "Insert note".

Insert note

Example character sheet with notes

# How to get your character sheet's link from the D&D Beyond mobile app

  • Open the D&D Beyond app and go to your character.
  • Click on the Menu button (9 red dots) and go to: View Character on Website

  • Click Manage (next to your character's name)

  • To get your character sheet's link, click Shareable Link, and copy the link.

  • Go to ā  #character-sheets , and run !import <link>, replacing <link> with the URL you just copied.

You're now ready to start playing!

# How to Suggest Resources

Please make the suggestion by posting in #server-suggestions with the full title and a short description of the resource, as well as why you recommend it.