# Erratas and Rulings

D&D is written in the style of "rulings over rules", which means that the books should only be taken as a guideline and DMs have the final say. Despite mass protests by D&D players over the years that this puts the burden on the DM and they paid for a rulebook to, well, communicate rules, WOTC has stuck to their guns.

The result is in the following:

  • Core rulebooks have many rules to cover the possibly infinite scenarios that can arise from D&D
  • Rules that are unclear are clarified in Sage Advice, which are written by D&D's co-designer Jeremy Crawford and his team. These are compiled here from Jeremy's Twitter account. These are called “rulings”, as they depend on interpretation and are not necessarily correct, but can be used as guidance.
  • Rulings that are still unclear or the server deems are interpreted incorrectly are overridden by Mentor+ staff or Admins.
  • DMs may have their own house rules if they choose to rule something differently

As such, Staff rulings, changes, and erratas to the game are compiled here for easy access.

# Rule Clarifications

# General

Interpretation: The idea of character classes is a meta concept. A character belonging to a class does not necessarily identify themselves with the word the rules use for that class.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Class
Server Rule Keyword: Roleplay

Interpretation: XP from combat training (and likely other sources) is applied immediately but it's up to each individual dm to either replace the one who leveled or let them stay, even if the game is out of their new level range.
Link to discussion: Discord

Server Rule Keyword: XP, Level, DM Event

Description: Performing somatic components for spells as a Paladin or Cleric, using your shield arm due to your shield being your focus.
Interpretation: If your Holy Symbol is on your shield, you may use that hand to perform somatic components of spells that have a material component that do not have a gold cost for their material component and do not have their material component consumed.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Paladin, Cleric, Holy Symbol
Spell: Somatic Components
Item: Spellcasting Focus

# Races/Species

Interpretation: Awakened Animal PCs can use their paws for somatic components.

Additionally, druids/rangers can wear any type of accessory (i.e. tiara, hairpin) made of mistletoe to bypass having to hold druidic foci for just material components. As long as you have a hand (can be the same one for somatic components) to at least touch the focus when you cast spells.
Link to discussion: Discord Discord

Race/Racefeat: Awakened Cat, Awakened Dog
Class/Classfeat: Druid, Ranger
Item: Spellcasting focus, Druidic focus

Interpretation: If you normally would not be able to wear the armor due to a trait like Quadruped Frame, you ignore that trait with the arcane armor.
Link to discussion: Discord (staff channel)

Race/Racefeat: Awakened Animal's Quadruped Form
Subclass/Subclassfeat: Armorer Artificer's Arcane Armor

Interpretation: you cannot play a feral tiefling with a different bloodline than the Bloodline of Asmodeus subrace from the PHB, meaning that feral tieflings are only compatible with the Winged, Devil's Tongue, and Hellfire variant traits.
Link to discussion: Discord

Race/Racefeat: Tiefling, Feral tiefling, Variant tiefling, Winged, Devil's Tongue, Hellfire

# Classes

Description Alternatively, you can choose the magic item from among the common magic items in the game, not including potions or scrolls.
Changes: Alternatively, you can choose the magic item from among the common magic items in the Black Market Bin , not including potions or scrolls.
Link to discussion: Discord (Mentor+)

Class/Classfeat: Artificer, Infuse Item, Replicate Magic Item

Interpretation: If a feature expands a class spell list (e.g. in Magical Secret's case), those spells can benefit from DW variant spell versatility feature. If a feature adds a specific list spells (e.g. in Draconic Spells' case), they cannot benefit from DW variant spell versatility feature.
Link to discussion: Discord (staff channel)

Class/Classfeat: Bard, Magical Secrets
Subclass/Subclassfeat: College of Lore Bard, Additional Magical Secrets
Server Rule Keyword: DW Variant Spell Versatility

Interpretation: Yes, it does
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Blood Hunter, Crimson Rite
Feat: Polearm Master

Interpretation: A druid can't use wildshape to ignore the effects of an injury or illness gained from downtime
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Druid, wild shape

Interpretation: Druids can use metal equipment
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Druid
Item: Metal equipment

Interpretation: If the one weapon is a dart, then you can treat all darts as monk weapons. May extend to other thrown weaponry.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Monk
Item: Dart, thrown weapon

Interpretation: For the purposes of a shield (specifically magic shields), "holding" a shield is the same thing as "wearing" or "wielding" said shield.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Monk, Martial Arts
Item: Shield, Magic Shield

Interpretation: A paladin can use a divine smite when attacking with an unarmed strike or natural weapon
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Paladin, divine smite

Interpretation: Smite spells like Thunderous Smite can be applied to melee attacks made using unarmed strikes or natural weapons without requiring the caster to hold a weapon.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Paladin
Spell: Smite, Thunderous smite

Interpretation: You can swap out a psionic spell on the same level on which you gain it.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class: Sorcerer
Subclass/Subclassfeat: Aberrant Mind, Psionic Spells
Server Rule Keyword: Leve

Interpretation: If a warlock with the Pact of the Tome feature uses the ritual to receive a replacement for their Book of Shadows from their patron, it has the same contents as before, including miscellaneous content not related to your warlock class features.
Link to discussion: Discord Discord

Class/Classfeat: Warlock, Pact of the Tome, Book of Shadows

# Feats

Interpretation: The costs of ingredients for cooking or preparing treats, while done in snowhaven and outside of bounties, are covered by Lifestyle or the Snowhaven Full Time Adventurer Scheme. If you are in a bounty and would prepare treats and/or cook food you must have the perquisite ingredients in order to do so. A DM may choose to bypass this restriction through foraging or other means.

Cooking Supplies
Adventuring Gear, none
5 cp, 0.5 lbs.
Cooking supplies consist of various foods, spices, seasonings and other ingredients required to cook a proper meal. Each unit of represent the required amount of ingredients for a single serving.

Link to discussion: Discord

Feat: Chef
Item: Cooking ingredients

Interpretation: The phrase "Hit points you regain from the [Hit Die] roll" refers to dice roll + CON mod

  • For Durable Feat: "the minimum number of hit points you regain from the roll equals twice your Constitution modifier" means any dice result on the hit dice that is lower than the constitution modifier is replaced with the con mod before adding the mod to the result, which is 2*your con mod. e.g. If you have a con mod of 4, any number on the hit dice roll that is lower than 4 becomes 4, and then you add 4 to the dice, which is 8.
  • For Periapt of Wound Closure: "whenever you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, double the number of hit points it restores." means you double the sum of dice roll + CON mod, e.g. If you have a con mod of 4 and the dice roll was 6, you regain (4 + 6) x 2 = 20 hit points.

Link to discussion: Discord (staff channel)

Feat: Durable
Item: Periapt of Wound Closure

Interpretation The homebrew scythe weapon is considered a glaive and works with the Polearm Master feat.
Link to discussion: Discord

Feat: Polearm Master
Item: Scythe

# Spells

Interpretation: No, but if you can't cast the spell again once the 24 hours are up, the undead escape from your control. So unless that is intended, it is unlikely to be able to unprepare and prepare it again before the time is up.
Link to discussion: Discord

Spell: Animate Dead

Interpretation: Yes, but they are only proficient in shortbows/shortswords, and scraps of armor. Anything else would require the rules for using equipment you are not proficient in.
Link to discussion: Discord

Item: Weapons/Equipment, Proficiency

Description: The remains of the undead created by Animate Dead do not disappear without being explicitly destroyed.
Interpretation: If an undead created by Animate Dead is killed, their remains do not disappear (unless explicitly destroyed by an effect such as Disintegration) and can thus be reanimated with another casting of Animate Dead.

E.g. The summoner can kill their undead servants and then reanimate them at no additional material cost. You may kill your undead servants without DM oversight so long as they are still under your control.

Spell: Animate Dead

Interpretation: No, since nothing in the spell's description specifies it breaking concentration nor inflicting the incapacitated condition (which does break concentration).
Link to discussion: Discord

Spell: Command

Interpretation: Each berry created by goodberry gains the benefit of Disciple of Life if you have that feature.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Druid, Ranger, Cleric
Subclass/Subclassfeat: Life Domain, Disciple of Life
Spell: Goodberry

Interpretation: A shield is in the armor section, but not considered armor for the purposes of ending Mage Armor
Link to discussion: Discord

Spell: Mage Armor
Item: Shield

Interpretation: The amount of holy water consumed per casting is negligible, but it's not possible to replace the holy water with a spellcasting focus.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, Wizard
Subclass/Subclassfeat: Oath of Devotion
Spell: Protection from Evil and Good
Item: Spell component, holy water

Interpretation: If the spell specifies "A Diamond" it needs a singular diamond. If it says "Diamonds", then Diamond Dust is fine.
Link to discussion: Discord

Spell: Resurrection Spells
Item: Diamonds

# Multiclassing

Interpretation: No, you're not considered proficient in skills boosted via Jack of All Trades, therefore Reliable Talent does not apply.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Jack of All Trades, Reliable Talent

Interpretation: Yes, Blessed Strikes can be used on any cantrip of yours
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Cleric, 8th-level Blessed Strikes
Spell: Cantrips

Interpretation: Both Paladins and Clerics can use a Holy Symbol as their Spellcasting Focus, but no other class can.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Cleric, Paladin, Holy Symbol
Item: Spellcasting Focus, Holy Symbol

Interpretation: If you have Extra Attack, you can use the Soulknife rogue's Psychic Blades feature for all attacks made as part of an Attack action, making a new blade for each attack.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Rogue, Extra attack
Subclass/Subclassfeat: Soulknife, Psychic blades

Interpretation: You can only switch out one spell via spell versatility on a LR no matter how many classes you MC into.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Spell versatility, Multiclass

Interpretation: When multiclassed between 2 caster classes that require different types of Spellcasting Focuses, you must have a separate focus for each class's spells. E.G. A Cleric/Warlock would need a Holy Symbol and an Arcane Focus; a Sorcerer/Warlock would only need one Arcane Focus.

Additionally, if you are casting a spell that has a GP cost as a material component, you must have a free hand that's not holding a shield nor weapon.
Link to discussion: Discord Discord

Class/Classfeat: Multiclassing, Material Costs

Interpretation: If a magic item says "If you're a spellcaster, you can use this item as a spellcasting focus", you can use it as a spellcasting focus even if it isn't a type of item your class can normally use as a focus.
Link to discussion: Discord

Item: Spellcasting Focus

Interpretation: A book such as a Pact of the Tome warlock's Book of Shadows or a Ritual Caster's ritual book can be used as a spellbook. However, spells inscribed into it using such a feature don't count as wizard spells known.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Warlock, Wizard, Pact of the Tome, Book of Shadows, Spellbook
Feat: Ritual Caster

# Equipment

Interpretation: Yes, it can.
Link to discussion: Discord

Item: Dragonchess set

Interpretation: A PC may only have one slot for a cape or a cloak. They cannot benefit from more than 1 at a time.
Link to discussion: Discord

Item: Cloak / Cape
Server Rule Keyword: Item Slots, Magic Item, Stacking Item slots

Description: Buying materials from the market and/or making toys out of wood with woodcarvers tools without being in a guild that has Crafting DTD
Interpretation: If you're proficient with woodworking tools and have them, you can make toys without being in a guild that has Crafting DTD. Additionally, you do not need to buy materials from the market to make said toys either.
Link to discussion: Discord

Item: Woodworking tools

Interpretation: If you start with a ranged weapon from starting equipment by picking one from a "any simple/martial weapon" option, you also start with 20 of the weapon's ammunition.
Link to discussion: Discord Discord

Item: Ranged weapon, starting equipment

Interpretation: It takes 3 days for Ring of Regeneration to heal one downtime injury. You can heal multiple injuries at the same time, with separate timer for each.
Link to discussion: Discord
For the ease of tracking, instead of the original 1d6 + 1 days, we have decided to fix it to 3 days.

Item: Ring of Regeneration (Very Rare)
Server Rule Keyword: DTD, Downtime, Injury

Interpretation: If a staff intended to be used as an arcane focus is made of wood, it can also be used as a druidic focus.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Druid
Item: Spellcasting focus, Druidic focus, Staff

# Erratas

Changes: Sunlight Sensitivity is an optional feature, and is no longer required.
Link to discussion: Discord (staff channel)

Race/Racefeat: Drow Sunlight Sensitivity

Changes: Any benefits or changes granted by a spell or spell effect, including instantaneous effects such as Find Familiar and Find (Greater) Steed, cast from the Ring of Spell Storing end when a creature other than you attunes to the item.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Spellcasting
Item: Ring of Spell Storing


  • The spell cast as a bonus action via Hidden Ace still requires a spell slot (or some other means of circumventing that requirement, like casting a spell which is both on your spell list and something you know as a racial spell) to be cast.
  • You may only designate one spell as your Hidden Ace per long rest, and may only use your Hidden Ace to cast a spell as a BA once per long rest -- no, you cannot abuse this feat by multiclassing and acquiring multiple spell lists.
  • Your Hidden Ace must be of a spell level you can cast normally: you cannot play a wizard 19 / cleric 1 who grabs this feat to select and cast Mass Heal as a BA. You could, however, select a 1st-level cleric spell and cast it as a BA using any level of spell slot available to you.

Link to discussion: Discord

Spell: Cartomancer

Changes: The feat's 1st-level spell list is determined by the character's alignment at the time they take the feat. Changing the spell list requires a rebuild.
Link to discussion: Discord (staff channel)

Divinely Favoured, Feat

Description: If you already have the Unarmored Defense feature, you can't gain it again from another class.
Changes: If you have acquired the Unarmored Defense feature from two different classes, you get to choose which Unarmored Defense you benefit from.
Link to discussion: Discord

Class/Classfeat: Barbarian, Monk, Unarmored Defense, Multiclass

Description: Cohort of Chaos' "Chaotic Flare" feature as well as the Wild Magic sorcerer's "Wild Magic Surge," "Tides of Chaos," and "Controlled Chaos" features.
Changes: Chaotic Flares and Wild Magic rolls can only cause damage to other creatures within the confines of the arena or while a DM is supervising the interaction. If a Chaotic Flare of Wild Magic Surge would deal damage outside of these circumstances, the player may choose to either reroll the effect or ignore the roll entirely.
Link to discussion: Discord

Subclass/Subclassfeat: Wild Magic sorcerer.
Feat: Cohort of Chaos, Chaotic Flare

Description: Some spells, such as True Polymorph, allow a spellcaster to transform a creature into a different creature or summon a creature, which may respectively gain or have the ability to cast particular spells without requiring spell components.
Changes: The transformed creature must still provide any material components that has a cost and/or is consumed for the casting of these spells. If the creature was summoned, the spellcaster who summoned it must provide such components instead. If the component is consumed by the spell, the component must be provided for each casting of the spell.
Link to discussion: Discord (FanMail)

Class/Classfeat: True Polymorph, Summon Spells
Special Trait: (via transformation or summoning) Spellcasting, Innate Spellcasting, Psionics

Changes: You can only use a specific tuning fork material component for transport to the plane that it is tuned to.
Link to discussion: Discord

Spell: Plane Shift

Changes: Reincarnate is capable of targeting and affecting dead Player Characters only, regardless of if they are humanoid or not. This does not affect non-player characters such as pets or other creatures.
Link to discussion: Discord

Spell: Reincarnate