# Ring a bell for help!

React with a 🔔 :bell: in the following circumstances:

  • React to your own question if it got buried in the FAQ section (Questions below yours have already been answered AND it has been at least 10 minutes since the last staff activity in that channel)

  • React to another member's question that is in a non-FAQ channel

# #beginner-help beginner-help

This is a channel where newcomers can reach out to staff for help with:

  • Creating character sheet
  • Overview of the server, and going over basics and rules together
  • Basic Avrae commands

The following topics should be moved to more relevant channels:

# Note for Staff Members

  • If you spot a question being asked repeatedly, please put it on a post with the answer and pin it to the channel. This provides other staff members something they can point to or copy paste when helping out beginners.
  • If there is an ongoing help session in the channel, feel free to open a thread for any additional help sessions.