# Employment

# Job Interview Checks

Once you have found an employer for Part-Time Work DTD, or High-Risk Work DTD, you will be asked to make job interview checks in the ⁠ #dtd-results post.

  • Job Interviews do not use DTD points.
  • You can make one interview check per day, and you may have up to 3 interviews per employer.

Post the following form in #dtd-manual-log .


Interview opportunity: [1/3, 2/3, or 3/3]
Character Name:

Employer/Place of Work: 

Check: [check(s) requested]
Rolled: [result(s)]

RP: [describe how you are trying to impress your new boss!]
  • Make the requested skill/tool check roll(s) after the form. Feel free to adjust the description of the RP accordingly.
!check [skill check(s) requested]

# Tool Checks

  • In order to use the tool, you must own the tool. Please refer to the Snowhaven Market doc for the details.
  • Make sure you add your tool proficiencies with !tool command.


  • !tool pro "Mason's Tools" to add proficiency
  • !tool exp "Thieves' Tools" to add expertise

Tool Check Example: !tool "Carpenter's Tools" "STR"

Alchemist's Supplies       INT / WIS
Brewer's Supplies          INT / WIS
Calligrapher's Supplies    DEX / WIS
Carpenter's Tools          STR / DEX

Cartographer's Tools       INT / WIS
Cobbler's Tools            DEX / INT
Cook's Utensils            DEX / WIS
Disguise Kit               DEX / CHA

Forgery Kit                DEX / CHA
Glassblower's Tools        DEX / INT
Herbalism Kit              INT / WIS
Jeweler's Tools            INT / CHA

Leatherworker's Tools      DEX / INT
Mason's Tools              STR / DEX

Musical instrument
"[Instrument Name]"        DEX / CHA

Painter's Supplies         DEX / CHA
Poisoner's Tools           INT / WIS
Potter's Tools             DEX / WIS
Smith's Tools              STR / DEX

Thieves' Tools             DEX / INT
Tinker's Tools             DEX / INT
Weaver's Tools             DEX / CHA
Woodcarver's tools         DEX / WIS

# Part-Time Work (PTW) 💰

A part time job offers the promise of modest but consistent pay.

  • In order to do the Part-Time Work DTD, you need to first find the employer using Find DTD.
  • The starting wage for all PTW is 4gp per day. You still get paid whether or not you pass the check, unless the output states otherwise.
  • If you are using a tool for PTW, make sure to set up the proficiency with !tool alias. You can find the information under Tool Checks

# Raises and Pay Cuts

If you consistently perform well at your job with successful checks, you may be given a raise. Likewise, failing the checks may result in a pay cut. If your pay drops to zero or you fail five checks in a week, you are fired and need to find a new job.

The maximum wage per day with PTW is 6gp. Successful checks for a full week gives a one time bonus of extra 5gp.

In ⁠ #dtd-automated-log :

!ptw <employer> <wage> <skill> [arguments]

# High-Risk Work (HRW) 💰

"High risk, high reward."

Some jobs, such as working for the local militia as a guard, involve risks. These jobs require multiple skills and come with a risk of injury for each failed check. However, they pay more, and are more forgiving when things go wrong.

  • In order to do the High-Risk Work DTD, you need to first find the employer using Find DTD.
  • The starting wage for all HRW is 6gp per day. You still get paid whether or not you pass the check, unless the output states otherwise.

# Raises and Pay Cuts

If you consistently perform well at your job with successful checks, you may be given a raise. The maximum wage per day with HRW is 10gp.

Failing checks may result in a pay cut, or you may get fired. You can find out the details in the output of the hrw command.

In #dtd-automated-log :

!hrw <employer> <check 1> <check 2> <check 3> [arguments]

Example: !hrw "Guard Barracks" "Perception" "Athletics" "Acrobatics"